Laptop Information
Advances in technology have meant that computers are becoming smaller, faster and more multimedia capable. Learning with digital technologies are now becoming an integral part of our culture, day-to-day life and education. Digital devices such as tablets can now be used to communicate, collaborate,
research and learn new skills and knowledge. Highvale Secondary College believes that we need to make use of this form of technology in our teaching and learning.
The Digital Learning Program for Highvale is designed to equip students with the skills and experiences to thrive in an era of change. Our goal is for Highvale’s students to learn successfully in the evolution of computing from the traditional desktop to notebook platforms and digital devices such as tablets. The College is embracing the learning opportunities offered for students in bringing their own device to connect to the College ICT infrastructure. Cybersafety is also of paramount importance where the whole school community will be involved in developing ongoing safe practices online.